Well I know that it has been well over a year since I have posted anything but I am going to give it another try. Let's update everyone on the new with the Kitchen Family.
Well Greg finally graduated from Midwestern University in June 2011. We moved home to Peoria for a little while. We thought we had a couple of good prospects in Arizona for a job but none of them panned out. We took a job a Washington Hospital Center in Washington DC. One of the sites where we did clinical rotations last year. We are here for a minimum of 3 years.
We moved to a small suburb on Washington DC a little town called Vienna in Virginia. It is such a cute place and we are enjoying the area.
The girls are still growing like crazy. McKenzie is 9 and is in the 4th grade, she is such a great big sister. Brooklyn is 6 and is in the 1st grade and is still our emotional child. Jacey is 4 and is the baby of the family. She sure knows how to work being the youngest.
I am getting used to living in a place with out any family, it gets tough at times but am enjoying my time out here. I sure miss my family and friends but feel your love and support.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I'm going to try this one more time!
Posted by Kitchen's Khaos at 7:23 AM 5 comments
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Can anyone say.......ROAD TRIP!

Over all it was a good trip. We made it safe and sound, and McKenzie did great. We got to see some beautiful scenery and meet some interesting people along the way. We do miss our family and friends back in Arizona and our own home.
Posted by Kitchen's Khaos at 11:05 AM 2 comments
Finally settling down!
Well as many of you know we have taken a little "adventure" to the East Coast. Greg's schooling has taken him to Washington DC and Baltimore, Maryland. Let's just say it has been a growing experience thus far. Let's start from the beginning. We left Arizona on May 30th and drove out to DC (I will post the trip next!).
We arrived in DC on Wednesday afternoon traffic was crazy and Greg made a wrong turn and we drove right down town. It was cool cause we got to see Washington monument, but it was a 2 1/2 hour mistake. We ended up staying at a really nice hotel (Thanks Jamie Pieper).
On Thursday morning we went to look at the place we had arranged to stay in with a real estate agent we worked with from Phoenix. She unlocked the door and someone's stuff was still in it. We didn't know if it was furnished or not. Finally the real estate agent called the owner and they told us it wasn't available until July 1st. They told her that they had two other properties that were close, and available for move in. The first one was in the same complex, we went to look at it and once again had someone's stuff still in it. I guess that is Heavenly Father's way of telling us that we weren't supposed to be there. The other place was awful. I started crying because I didn't know what was going to happen with us. I really just wanted to drive home to Arizona.
We ended up staying in a hotel until Friday night. On Friday Greg went to the Hospital to meet is preceptor and see where it was at. One of the perfusionists was moving out and had his place until June 30 and he had already moved most of his stuff out and told us we could stay there until we had secured a place.
It has been crazy for the last 3 weeks running around trying to find something that will work for us. There is something about student loans that people don't like. Everything was good except that we didn't have a job. We finally found something on Craigslist that we looked into and it worked out really smoothly. We moved in last weekend. We are in a city called McLean Virginia, its is about 20 minutes to Greg's first rotation and an hour to his second. But it's only for a year.
Now that we are back online I am going to try and update every Sunday (as my journal). It is beautiful out here to see all the green and some historical sites. The girls like it too. We have found there Elementary School and we got to meet our ward family today.
We sure do miss "home" including our family and friends. We are safe and together and that is most important right now. Sorry for such a long post. Hope all is well.
Posted by Kitchen's Khaos at 10:08 AM 4 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Hapy Birthday Jacey!

We had such a great time and Jacey sure loved making cupcakes with me. I let her do as much as she could and assisted with the rest.

Jacey loved her cupcakes and especially blowing out the candle.
Make a wish!

Jacey we are so glad that you are in our family, You make our days more adventurous.
We love you.
Posted by Kitchen's Khaos at 2:19 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
Let's go to the zoo!

Brooklyn always finds the runt of the liter and follows it to make sure it is taken care of. It is so cute.

Posted by Kitchen's Khaos at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Day at the farm

Posted by Kitchen's Khaos at 8:11 PM 4 comments
Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted by Kitchen's Khaos at 7:07 PM 1 comments