Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!! We can't believe that 2008 is already here. We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. We had a wonderful one. With three little girls you can imagine how pink (not white) our Christmas was. Here are a couple of pictures of our Christmas.

Jacey's first Christmas....I think she liked it.

Santa put an orange at the bottom of their stocking and Brooklyn loved it. She carried it around for a half an hour. She loved her nail polish too.

McKenzie loved all of the gifts that Santa brought for her. Greg asked McKenzie what she wanted for Christmas, he also asked if she would be mad if she didn't get everything she wanted. She said, " I will be grateful for what ever Santa brings me". Let's just say Santa didn't disappoint and she was very grateful for all she got.

The girls enjoyed the ride in their new wagon Santa brought them for Christmas. Jacey was loving the ride she didn't even have to wear her seat belt. I guess because there wasn't one in the middle. Brooklyn got so mad when the ride was over. She could have ridden all day!
We are so lucky that most of our family is here in Arizona (and one in Mississippi) and we got to spend this special day with them.


Brooke said...

You little girls are getting so big--and as cute as ever! Ellee has the same PJs that Jacey is wearing in the picture. I love that kind! It looks like you had a fun Christmas and Santa was good to you all. :)

granny said...

I'm so glad you have a blog! This is Marie-Brooke's Mom! I have really enjoyed reading these blogs. I'm glad all you girls are techno-inclined, it keeps us old fashioned Grannies up to date. And that's about my limit for technology-email and blogs! Your family is beautiful Tiffany. I'm so happy for Cammie too. How fun for your Mom to be there for the birth. I've never seen one yet, except my own. Thanks again for letting me into your blog life!