Sunday, June 28, 2009

"It's Potty Time"

You know it is time to start potty training when your child takes her diaper off and uses the potty on her own. Well, that is what has been happening in our home. Jacey has discovered the world of using the "BIG GIRL" toilet and she is so happy to be using it.
"Check me out I am looking snazzy in my new panties"

Perhaps the greatest invention ever for potty training. I was cutting hair this week and mentioned to my friend that I was going to start potty training Jacey and she told me about the potty watch (which Jacey is modeling for you). It is so great she gets to wear this watch and you can set it to go off every 30, 60 or 90 minutes and it sings a little tune to remind them its time to go to the potty. It is awesome!!! Every time it goes off she runs over and holds out her arm to show us the blinking lights and says, "Its Potty Time". Fortunately no pee pee in the big girl panties yet. The night time panties (Pull-ups) are still wet in the morning but that is a different battle.
With this new found sense of freedom, Jacey also wants to dress herself, and this is the result, on backwards and inside out. That's OK at least they made it on, instead of running around in panties only.
"I think the stars are still there?"

Jacey is really doing great, she loves wearing her watch and using the potty. Hopefully we will soon be diaper free!


Well, it has been 4 years since this little one has entered our family and we are so grateful for our "Sugar-Bean" Happy Birthday Brooklyn.

Every birthday we like to decorate the family room and blow up balloons. The girls love to play with their birthday balloons.

When it was time to open up birthday presents McKenzie was so upset that she didn't get a chance to get her anything she said, "Wait, I'll be right back". A couple of minutes late McKenzie came running out with this towel. Wrapped up in the towel was all of these old toys that the girls play with. Brooklyn really enjoyed the thoughtfulness of her big sister.

This is my Masterpiece. I think I have found my calling.

The best part about having cake is licking the frosting off of the candles.

We decided to go the McDonald's and have cake and ice cream. We really had a fun time. Brooklyn wanted to have a "PINK" birthday. So we all wore our pink shirts, and yes Greg wore his pink shirt all day even to work. Brooklyn was so happy we all had on pink for her birthday.

As another year goes by we feel so thankful to have such wonderful girls in our home. They are all growing up so fast and enjoy the time that we get to make such wonderful memories.